Fuel Prices, August-2019: The average price of Fuel worldwide, is 1.12 (US Dollar) per liter. There is a significant difference in these prices between different countries. Generally, the rich countries have higher prices while the poorer countries and the countries that produce and export oil have much lower prices. The price differences between countries are due to various taxes and subsidies for gasoline. All countries have access to the same oil prices on international markets, but they impose different taxes. As a result, gas prices are different.

In the top 5 African countries where fuel is the most expensive, we find the Central African Republic (1.87 Dollar), the Democratic Republic of Congo (1.36 Dollar), Cape Verde and Senegal (1.32 Dollar), and Burundi (1.31 Dollar). Conversely, the African countries where oil is cheapest are Sudan (0.14 Dollar per liter), Algeria (0.35 Dollar), Nigeria (0.40 Dollar), Angola (0.46 Dollar) and Egypt ( 0.54 Dollar).

With 0.72 Dollar per liter of gasoline, Tunisia is the second Maghreb country after Algeria where fuel is the cheapest according to the reference site Global Petrol Prices. Ethiopia (0.75 Dollar), Sierra Leone (0.76 Dollar), Liberia (0.78 Dollar) and Zimbabwe (0.79 Dollar) close the Top 10 of the ranking.

Source : Global Petrol Prices

Keywords : Africa, News, Economy, Petrol, Oil, Fuel


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